Geocaching and dog training

It has been an unusually intense and fun weekend with a lot of geocaching and dog training.

Friday at 7:30, me and my sister took the car towards Sundsvall. The trips actual purpose was that she would try out a wedding dress in a shop. I was honored to be her helper and companion during the day. But it is also she who tricked me into the special world of geocaching. Therefore, we spealso nt the trip to geocaching both on the way there and back.

Geocaching i Skule av Helens Color Life

Geocaches has various high points, both depending on how hard they are to find / solve and how difficult terrain it is to the cache. There are caches on islands and in the marshes and they have high terrain points because it is complicated to get there. After tips from caching workmates we decided to take some high terrain points because they are easier to take when the water is frozen this season. This fine church out in a pond can you see from the E4 when driving through Skuleskogen and it is a geocach. It is not far from the road but after a little pulsing in the snow we could sign this nice cach.

The trip was really fun, my sister found a really nice wedding dress, we had time to do some shopping, eat well and the rest of the day we where caching. We laughed a lot because cachingen makes you do crazy things. In the middle of Sundsvall we rooted around in a park to find a cach. We crept into a viaduct with garbage bags on our legs not to get wet and sneaked around with flashlights at rest areas in the dark on the way home. Some caches are so cleverly hidden, so you will be really happy when you manage to find them. It was almost nine in the evening before we were home again.

On Saturday I was at crafting a meeting with the HighCoastScrap while my husband took the dogs on rescue dog training. Little Nova had to be with, and on this picture has my husband put candy in the stump that she had to look out.

She also begins in a small way to understand what search is about and find it fun to run out to a man hiding in the woods. It is a great start as it is just to continue working from.

Today we have been to Örnsköldsviks Brukshundsklubb where they arranged an inspiration event. Today we learned more about how to reward our dog, get better contact and focus. At least it gave me new inspiration to train the dogs. Afterwards we went for a walk at the club at about 2,5 km where you can go with the dogs loose. There was a gang of six dogs that ran and had fun the entire round along with their masters and mistresses.

On the way home let my husband of me and I went with the dogs over Visarberget mountain home. It was gray outside but pleasant temperature so we had a lovely hike on the snowmobile tracks. On the mountain top, I felt like I had the clouds just above the skull. Mountain peaks you see from up there were peaks inside the clouds.

More weekendpicture can be found here.

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