Rosa Poppius

You are currently viewing Rosa Poppius

For some weeks ago one of my favorite roses was in full bloom. It’s Rosa Poppius and has a lot of pink, half filled flowers. It is a hardy and relatively healthy rose and one of the few roses of Swedish origin.

Unfortunately, the flowering did not last very long, especially this year because it bloomed when it was as warmest. I managed to capture it in with my camera on a warm evening together with the dogs and mosquitoes.

Nova är van att posera när jag fotograferar och även denna gång. Jag försökte få Guzzi att vara med myggen var hemska så det gick inte särskilt bra. Som tur är har jag snälla, tålmodiga Nova som gärna är med på bild.

Nova is used to posing when I photograph and also this time. I tried to get Guzzi to join her in the picture but the mosquitoes were awful so it didn’t work out. Luckily, I have kind, patient Nova who is happy to be in the picture.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Helen

      Thanks a lot!!

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