Candle holder of a Reindeer antler and driftwood

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The last craft as I have had time to do before this year’s Christmas celebration is a candle holder of a Reindeer antler and driftwood. Currently, I am inspired by some rustic decor with materials from nature. I was really pleased with this small candleholders, .

I found  the little reindeer antler men we cleaned my mother in-law’s house after she died. I liked the Hornet but had no idea what I would do with it until the until now.

With my glue gun and a cup for tea candles purchased in a hobby store the candle holder was quickly made.

I’ve put up the candle holder on the wall in the middle of a big heart which I decorated with little lingonberry sticks.

Ljushållare av ett renhorn av Helens Color LIfe

Ljushållaren kan jag även använda resten av året och inte bara till jul. Den är så gullig och rätt liten så den passar lätt någonstans.

Hela arrangemanget hänger i hallen och hälsar alla som kommer in varmt välkommen!

Jag vill passa på att önska alla En Riktigt God Jul!

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